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During the week of the eclipse UNIS will organize several public outreach activities.
1. Free eclipse glasses
It is very important to use safety glasses before and after the totality during the eclipse (see the safety section below). During the totality one should remove the safety glasses and enjoy the highlight of the event with the naked eye.
UNIS will provide Eclipse glasses free of charge to the local community and schools.
2. Public lectures
Public lectures for the community schools and tourists to prepare people how to enjoy the eclipse safely and get the most out of the event. This will be popular science lectures about the Stormy Sun, the Northern Lights and the Eclipse. More information about venue and dates will come on this page.
The public lectures will be provided by Pål Brekke (Norwegian Space Centre/Prof. II at UNIS) and
Arne Danielsen (Eclipse expert). We also plan to bring in some international expert to support these
lectures and guide the public. We want to prepare the students and children how to enjoy the eclipse
safely and get the most out of the event. Time and dates will be posted here later.
In addition the UNIS course AFG216 – The Stormy Sun and the Northern Lights will run from 9 March to 19 March.
This course is open to the public and will have an extra focus on eclipses.
Arne Danielsen and Bo Andersen (Director General of the Norwegian Space Centre) will be
guest lecturers this semester.
3. “Eclipse Guide for Dummies”
Develop a “Eclipse Giude for Dummies” with practical information ad safety -
in both Norwegian and English. This will include some basic tips about how to
observe the event with Eclipse glasses or telescopes and how to take pictures.
4. General Safety
WARNING: Never look directly at the Sun without proper eye protection. Failure to do so may result
in permanent eye damage. These eclipse glasses are to be used with bare eyes only and are not to
be used together with any telescope, camera lenses or other form for optical aid. Only during totality,
when the Sun is completely covered by the Moon, is it safe to view without the eclipse glasses.
Before use it's important to inspect the glasses and make sure that there are no cracks or holes.
Do not use the glasses if they are damaged.
ADVARSEL: Se aldri direkte på solen uten tilstrekkelig beskyttelse for øynene. Uten tilstrekkelig
beskyttelse kan man få permanent synskade. Disse solformørkelsesbrillene må bare benyttes visuelt og
skal ikke benyttes sammen med teleskop, kameralinser eller andre former for optiske hjelpemidler.
Bare under totaliteten, når solen er fullstendig dekket av Månen er det trygt å se mot solen uten
bruk av beskyttelsesbriller. Før bruk må brillene inspiseres for skader i glasset. Briller med
sprekker eller hull i glasset må ikke benytttes.
Media contact for public outreach: Pål Brekke
Media contact for scientific experiments: Fred Sigernes.
Mer informasjon (Norwegian):
P. Brekke