Imaging Riometer
View of antenna field. Located 800m East of the old Nordlysstasjonen in Adventdalen.

Scientific objectives
Part of the magnetometer network of the Auroral Observatory, University of Tromsø. Auxilliary for EISCAT and other installations for ionospheric research at Svalbard. Included in the German / Finnish / Norwegian / Polish Image chain of magnetometers.

Owner: Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)
Contacts PI: Peter Stauning
Address: Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej 100, DK-2100 København, Denmark

Co-PI: Hisao Yamagashi
Address: National Institute of Polar Research, 9-10, Kaga 1 - Chome, Tokyo 173, Japan

Instrument specifications
Time resolution: 1 absorption image each second
Spatial coverage: 240 x 240 km at 90 km reference altitude
Spatial resolution: 25 km at 90 km altitude