INSTALLATION NOTES AURORA FORECAST 3D LINUX STEP 1 Download the AuroraForecast3D.tar.gz to a directory on your Linux computer. Un-compress the file in a terminal window: tar -xzvf AuroraForecast3D.tar.gz (Compress command is tar -czvf AuroraForecast3D.tar.gz AuroraForecast3D) The local directory AuroraForecast3D should now exist. Then go into the directory and type ./AuroraForecast3D Note! The app creates a directory for all the files it needs in your Documents folder. Remove this directory if you are upgrading the program. Run the app from the terminal before the next step. STEP2 If you want it to be visible on your desktop, make a text file named: AuroraForecast3D.desktop and enter 8 lines as below: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=false Exec=/home/aurora/AuroraForecast3D/AuroraForecast3D Name=Aurora Forecast 3D Icon=/home/aurora/Documents/AuroraForecast3D/ICON64x64.png NB! Note the Exec and Icon path must be correct for your system! Then copy the file to /usr/share/applications/ directory by the command sudo cp AuroraForecast3D.desktop /usr/share/applications/ STEP 3 Have Fun! Fred Sigernes JW5JUA ( Longyearbyen, 07.05.2020